Remote Power Supply - Developing Countries

Wind Power

Wherever there is a need for low power, at any location in the world, Marlec has the solution.

There are many reasons that you may consider a power solution that is independent from the grid. Rural clinics, either permanently or temporarily sited, can have power using a Rutland Windcharger and/or solar panels for vaccine refrigeration and lighting. Rural schools and missions benefit from lighting and power for tv’s, videos and overhead projectors. Rural electrification programmes operated by government, aid agencies and NGO’s can establish low cost battery charging stations in off grid villages so that groups of rural families benefit from lighting, tv and water pumping. Lighting extends the working day allowing families to work on crafts for their income. Emergency relief aid organisations can speedily and simply establish power sources for lighting, refrigeration and telecommunications. Community water supplies can be established in remote areas using a portable and efficient power supply.

Worldwide there are tens of thousands of satisfied Marlec product users from the Arctic Circle to the Sahara Desert.

Marlec have provided power solutions for many types of installations such as:

  • Rural clinicsRemote Power Supply - Developing Countries
  • Vaccine refrigeration
  • Telecommunications
  • Lighting
  • Water pumping
  • Science Benches in Nigeria
  • Emergency Aid and Relief




Marlec Design Process

If you provide some details and data for your site and application Marlec can design a bespoke off-grid power system to ensure that your power needs are realised.

We consider your:

Remote Power Supply - Developing Countries

  • Average power consumption
  • Duty cycle
  • Geographical location
  • Quality of site
  • Operating voltage



Remote Power Supply - Developing CountriesRemote Power Supply - Developing CountriesRemote Power Supply - Developing CountriesRemote Power Supply - Developing CountriesRemote Power Supply - Developing Countries

Once we understand what you want to achieve we will recommend a solution incorporating the best products available from our own range of Rutland Windchargers and Hybrid Charge Controllers, along with Solar Panels from our select suppliers.

Please download and complete the specifications questionnaire to start the design process.

Please return this form by fax to +44(0)1536 400 211 or email [email protected]

Call us to discuss your system on +44 (0)1536 201 588

Calling from Overseas? Skype us:

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